Chiropractic Education Readiness Assessment

The Chiropractic Education Readiness Assessment (CERA) evaluates the preparedness of students entering Doctor of Chiropractic Programs (DCPs):
- Assess key competencies and foundational knowledge
- Improve student performance
- Administered on campus at no cost
By assessing key competencies and foundational knowledge, CERA helps DCPs tailor educational strategies to better support each student’s unique learning journey.
CERA Data Collection and Analysis
During this collaborative research phase between DCPs and the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE), CERA will be administered on each individual campus shortly after students’ matriculation. This process will establish CERA’s predictive validity for GPA, successful course completion, prelicensure NBCE board exam scores, and graduation rates. Each DCP will be provided with their students’ CERA scores along with aggregated national averages which will assist DCPs with addressing educational gaps early and ensuring students are better prepared for rigorous coursework and clinical experiences, ultimately leading to higher pass rates on the NBCE examinations.
CERA consists of two parts: cognitive and non-cognitive. The cognitive portion evaluates knowledge in basic sciences, while the non-cognitive portion focuses on personal attributes such as self-efficacy, grit, and emotional intelligence. Review the entire proposal for the Chiropractic Education Readiness Assessment.
CERA Benefits
CERA is an instrument designed to help DCPs foster future generations of chiropractic professionals. The assessment, provided to DCPs at no cost, embodies a commitment to academic excellence and student success.
Contact Us
For information on how CERA can be administered on your campus, please contact us at: