Andrew R. Gow, D.C.

Dr. Andrew Gow is the Practical Testing Manager for the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, where he is responsible for the development of high standard of testing for case management, and chiropractic technique.
Andrew Gow, D.C., joined the NBCE in 2004 and has held a number of roles since, including Chiropractic Consultant, Chiropractic Specialist, and Senior Chiropractic Specialist. After graduating from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1999 with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Biology, a Post-Graduate degree in Acupuncture, and a Doctorate of Chiropractic, he founded Abarr Lake Chiropractic and Montbello Chiropractic.
The NBCE Leadership Team
The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) leadership team is made up of Doctors of Chiropractic, statisticians, and business professionals in order to oversee the daily tasks required to develop, administer, and score standardized exams that assess knowledge, higher-level cognitive abilities and problem-solving in various basic science and clinical science subjects for candidates seeking chiropractic licensure.
The NBCE Parts I-IV exams offer assurance to the general public that, regardless of where a chiropractor went to school or was licensed, he or she has demonstrated a baseline of knowledge as well as ability in diagnosis, diagnostic imaging, principles of chiropractic, associated clinical sciences and chiropractic practice.