Links to NBCE Exams

The NBCE develops, administers and scores standardized exams that assess knowledge, higher-level cognitive abilities and problem-solving in various basic science and clinical science subjects. The following list are links to NBCE Exams.

Chiropractic Education Readiness Assessment (CERA)

Evaluates the preparedness of students entering Doctor of Chiropractic Programs (DCPs). The purpose of CERA is to assess key competencies. This assessment is administered on campus at no cost.

CERA: 110 questions total.


Parts I, II, III, and Physiotherapy Exams

These exams are offered at chiropractic colleges in the United States and some international locations.

Part I: Assesses academic proficiency in six basic science areas.

Part IIAssesses academic proficiency in six clinical science areas.

Part IIIAssesses application of knowledge in nine areas of clinical competency.

Physiotherapy: An elective, single subject examination that includes passive adjunctive procedures and active adjunctive procedures.

Part IV National Practical Exam

This exam is offered at chiropractic colleges in the United States.

Part IV: Examinees are asked to perform assessments similar to those they might encounter in practice.

Examinees typically take the NBCE Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV exams before graduating from chiropractic college. Exam scores are made available to licensing authorities within and outside the United States. In the U.S., all 50 states either accept or require candidates to pass NBCE exams Parts I, II, III, and IV for licensure.

NBCE Post-Licensure/Specialty Exams

These exams are offered at Prometric Testing Centers throughout North America.

Special Purposes Examination for Chiropractic (SPEC)An assessment tool in the area of clinical competency.

AcupunctureIncludes history/philosophy of acupuncture in a chiropractic setting, organs, qi and fluid, channels/pathways, acupoints, acupuncture techniques, basic treatment tenets/protocols, and safety and hygiene.

Nutrition: An assessment of clinical nutrition knowledge developed jointly by the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition (CBCN) and the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE).

DABCI: The American Board of Chiropractic Internists computer-based exam is one of the requirements for completing a diplomate degree.

CMVI: The certificate in Motor Vehicle Injuries Exam is a voluntary certification by examination, focusing on individual competence in this specialized practice area.

State Exams

Florida Chiropractic Laws and Rules Exam: Required for licensure candidates in the state of Florida.

Missouri Exams: The Missouri Chiropractic Jurisprudence Exam is required for chiropractic licensure candidates in the state of Missouri.

The Missouri Professional Counselors Jurisprudence Exam (LPC) is required for professional counselor candidates in the state of Missouri.

Oklahoma Jurisprudence Exam: Required for chiropractic licensure candidates in the state of Oklahoma

Oregon Exams: Three additional exams are required for licensure candidates in the state of Oregon including the Obstetrics, Gynecology and Genitourinary Examination (OGG), the Minor Surgery and Proctology Examination (MSP), and the Oregon Ethics Examination.

The Oregon Chiropractic Assistant Examination is required for obtaining a chiropractic assistant certificate.